Our 12 frame analysis:
1. Within our music video we have used a 'cross faded' montage effect/layering multiple (mainly two) pieces of footage on top of another. We included this particular effect is because we found it more effective and interesting for the capturing the viewers attention and is a typical convention commonly music videos to represent a combination of singing in the song. The lighting is fairly dark and lit in the background with bold (star-like) lights to convey the genre we wanted to present (ambient/dubstep/electro)
2. The particular framing of this shot as been set out to show the female artist with the spot light focusing on her face as she's singing, wrapped in the lights, to present her in a innocent and feminine way but to also display her in a in a more creative light (for the style of the music). This particular idea has been used before in music videos and photography, so we believe to have used this particular convention. **female/feminity represented - iconography**
3. The blurred light effect, which is consistent within the video, was used particularly of its creative and effect look. This particular effect was best for representing the speed and energy in the song and having a relationship with the concept.
4. **projection used in other music videos (e.g. rihanna - 'We Found Love') - Using/developing conventions* taking advantage of different light sources to make more effective/creative.**
-The use of Projection reflected behind our artist and on to our artist was one of our creative shots / style and a different notion of lighting. We got this inspiration from Rihanna's music video 'We Found Love'.
5. ** Cross faded montage effect - used to represent the 'way- ay - ay' echo/lyrics. used in.??.. music video***
- We shot the effect of this from several different angles that we eventually overlaid on to eachother, the shots appeared according the lyrics and the beat.
6. **framing effectively used to show female artists face with the city landscape in background**
- The style of this frame has been used quite frequently in our music video, as the visuals of the lighting and iconography in the background present the identity of London being energetic.
7. **framing effectively used to show female artists face with the city landscape in background** - This particular frame uses iconography where we have used a close up shot of our artist with one of London's famous iconic building / monument. We chose this because of the lighting and the way in which we could overlay the 'Bokeh' lighting effect on to the main focal point being the building / monument. This would achieve the effect of developing our genre with electro style because of the colour presented. This can also reflect the ides of hyperreality of the lighting effect.
8. **Travelling shot of canary wharf (recognisable/eye catching) motion/sped up to reflect fast pace - using/developing forms/conventions**
-This shot worked really well in relation to our genre. As this shot is dynamic and creates excitement, especially as the motion has been sped up to reflect....
9. ** walking scene/following shot - lights, again, filmed in a recognisable london area... using forms/conventions**
10. **panning shots of city lights - cross faded with music artist and bright light behind her creating effective use of light... can look like a sun (contrast to the darkness) - she is a 'source' of light..**
11. **final / closing shot. cross montage... AGAIN, used to have a similiarity to the opening shot - consistency** - using/developing the forms/conventions**
12. ** 'under the spot light' focus on the music artist - contrast of the black background with the bright light.**
Main points of paragraphs:
*Genre conventions
- Representing our genre (dubstep, ambient and electro style)
- Performance and visual based video
*Genre conventions
- Representing our genre (dubstep, ambient and electro style)
- Performance and visual based video
- Relationship between music and visuals: Sound/style of song itself and applying that to what visuals should be used (emotion, female singer, energy of song...etc)
- Relationship between lyrics and visuals: analysis of lyrics and what its trying to put across - putting into a music video and what visuals should be used (darkness and lights) - Performance/concept and visual based video
- Hyperreality concept
- London
- Notions of looking.. Eyes, light, looking directly into the camera, through the eyes of the singer (what she sees)
- Intertextuality: Music videos, music artists, films and photography!
- Relationship between lyrics and visuals: analysis of lyrics and what its trying to put across - putting into a music video and what visuals should be used (darkness and lights) - Performance/concept and visual based video
- Hyperreality concept
- London
- Notions of looking.. Eyes, light, looking directly into the camera, through the eyes of the singer (what she sees)
- Intertextuality: Music videos, music artists, films and photography!
- Actress choice - Represented as a powerful, independent woman...
-Symbols and iconography
- Costume...
*Structural (form) conventions
- Fast pace cuts, edits and visual techniques to the beat of the song - effective and gains audience attention
- Variety of angles (e.g. close-ups and wide shots)
- Variety of angles (e.g. close-ups and wide shots)
- Intertextual narrative structures at play/other music videos
- Performance/lip syncing
- Simulacrum (simulation of the 'real' performance, 'real' performer)-
- Simulacrum (simulation of the 'real' performance, 'real' performer)-
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